Sunday, May 24, 2020

Racism Affects Social and Economic Life - 1222 Words

RACISM AFFECTS SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE With growing technology and increasing population, world’s situation is changing day by day. Those changings bring both positive and negative norms for humanity. Increasing population force people to find places which are far away from their own cultural places and combined with other cultures in a small area. People usually prefer to live in cities which they can find their needs easily and have self improvement. Because of those reasons immigration occurs and people start to go places and live in a homogenius environment with people who come from many different cultures. Being in a homogenius environment brings usually racism issue. African- American people one of ethnic group who†¦show more content†¦Those kind of issues makes African- American people failed in economic ways. They got difficulties to find a job without seeing prejudism or concerns to them. In addition to those labels also African- American’s emotional way can affect them negati vely because of the situations that they had to face in the past. Research progress shows that racist experiences towards to them by other people causes emotional breakdowns and force them to be agressive and violent.(Bynum et al,1) So how can people be sucessful in work area if they haven’t healthy and comfortable psychology. African- American’s economic life affected by racism and prejudism. To work harmoniously and sucessfully, people have to be happy and healthy but when we look at the African- American’s side they faced with racism and prejudism in many ways and those issues may create unreturnable damages on them as researches show. In Bynum et al’s article research studies show that African- Americans also affected by racism in social, economic, political and emotional way(1). School life of African- American’s can be a part of both social and economic life. School life can be accept as a first stage of economic life because education is the best skill that people try to improve to be successful in their career or choose a career path. Discrimanition in those areas directly or nondirectly affect people’s social and economic life. FeagenShow MoreRelatedRacism Affects Social and Economic Life1207 Words   |  5 PagesRACISM AFFECTS SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE With growing technology and increasing population, world’s situation is changing day by day. Those changings bring both positive and negative norms for humanity. Increasing population force people to find places which are far away from their own cultural places and combined with other cultures in a small area. People usually prefer to live in cities which they can find their needs easily and have self improvement. 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