Thursday, January 2, 2020

Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

INTRODUCTION TO QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS There are generally two kinds of research: qualitative and quantitative. For any research project the researcher needs to be clear about which type of research will provide the information required. The role of qualitative research is to tell you why; quantitative research tells you how many. The methods are quite different. Definition of Quantitative research? Theres no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0- Fred Kerlinger Different researchers and educators have given different definitions to â€Å"quantitative research.† Below are a few of them: Quantitative research refers to the numerical representation and manipulation of observations for the purpose†¦show more content†¦The researcher does not randomly assign groups and must use ones that are naturally formed or pre-existing groups. Identified control groups exposed to the treatment variable are studied and compared to groups who are not. Examples: * The effect of gender issues on the economic development of a country. * The effect of full-time employment on the achievement of graduate students. * The examination of the social interaction of impoverished students as compared to affluent students. Experimental Research An experimental research study, according to Gay and Airasian, can be defined as being guided by at least one hypothesis that states an expected casual relationship between two variables. The experiment is conducted to confirm (support) or disconfirm the experimental hypothesis. Experimental research, often known as true experiment, establishes the cause-effect relationship among variables. The cause or independent variable is manipulated, makes the difference and determines the effects on the dependent variables. Subjects are randomly assigned to experimental treatments rather than identified in naturally occurring groups. Examples * The effect of a new treatment plan on infertility. * The effect of t he alarming rates of illiteracy on the social and economic growth of a nation. * A comparison of the effect of classroom learning vs. home schooling on the social development of a child. USES OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH When do we useShow MoreRelatedIntroduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods3731 Words   |  15 PagesINTRODUCTION TO QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS There are generally two kinds of research: qualitative and quantitative. For any research project the researcher needs to be clear about which type of research will provide the information required. The role of qualitative research is to tell you why; quantitative research tells you how many. The methods are quite different. Definition of Quantitative research? There s no such thing as qualitative data. 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