Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I want you to do a literature review about how to bring and Essay

I want you to do a literature review about how to bring and maintaining a recruiting a staff of savvy and highly skilled - Essay Example Achieving the satisfaction of the business owners would mean that the best performers are rewarded for their efforts, and management efforts are appreciated as well. This is unfortunately, easier said than done. An organization has to compete with others in the marketplace and in the same or different industry, in order to attract, retain and keep the best employees on their payroll. At the same time, achieving the best fit for positions in different departments and at different levels of the organization is important. A good employee must not only have the proper skills and attributes for the job, he must be able and willing to perform his duties with responsibility and confidence, whether individually or as a member of a team. He must be a self starter but also willing to follow the instructions, dictates and policies of the organization. Where problems arise, he must be able to approach his supervisors and take their advice. In fact an open culture and collaborative friendly appro ach to problem solving have been the hallmarks of the best organizations (Peters & Waterman, 2004). Management by objectives and providing valuable feedback and guidance during interim and annual performance reviews can help the willing and able employee succeed and earn the respect of his peers as well as his superiors (Crosby, 1992). In today’s recessionary environment, organizations are cautious about hiring too many employees. Business has dwindled and consumer confidence is scarce. College and university graduates are having an increasingly difficult time finding and keeping jobs. It seems that the workplace is full of doom and gloom too, with a lot of directives to follow if one is to hold onto his or her job and make it up the career ladder. More and more of the work population are disenchanted with this state of affairs and the result is that the national unemployment rate of 10 percent in the USA is almost constant. The combination of consumer inertia and loss of con fidence in the system means that it will be some time before we overcome this crisis. This review will focus on how to attract and retain the best staff for the longest possible time by making HR a strategic partner in their lives as well as in promoting the objectives of the enterprise. We will be focusing especially on employee retention, workforce turnover, retaining recent graduates and young worker turnover. Employee Retention: How to Retain Employees in a Downturn   The effects of the financial crisis that occurred in the sub-prime mortgage sector in 2007 had spilled over and affected the rest of the world by 2008. It was really disastrous for most of the world’s economies, given that our financial and economic and trade systems are inexorably linked to one another like compartments in a beehive. Any problem that spills out of control can affect and contaminate the world’s economies in a matter of days or weeks. Since the USA is one of the world’s bigges t economies, its links through economic and trade relations would affect all of its trading partners in some measure, and that is exactly what happened. With the world’s major markets in a nosedive, the situation looked gloomy for a lot of world economies. Even now, most of the EU nations are looking

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Genetic Engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Genetic Engineering - Research Paper Example Nature has the inherent ability to produce a new combination of genes through the process of natural sexual reproduction. However the number of combinations that can be produced is small due to limitations in sexual reproduction mechanism. Through the process of genetic engineering innumerable genes can be shuffled from a variety of organisms and used for the production of novel and economically viable traits (Genetic Engineering). This process was initially developed for the production of genetically modified foods that had resistance against pesticides and which provided higher yields. Genetic engineering allows for bulk production of substances which could be an economically viable option in cases where conventional process required to produce the same compound are expensive. This technology is now being widely used for the commercial production of enzymes, antibodies, crops, drugs and vaccines. In addition, several genetically modified organisms such as insects, bacteria, plants, livestock, fishes and animals are also being produced through this process that is not otherwise possible through natural means (Epstein; Abbas, Lasekan and Khalil). Though the technology has ushered in the production of organisms, crops and drugs with unique properties major interest groups within the society believe that genetic engineering is a threat to mankind as there are several grave consequences associated with the development. One of the main concerns is the ability of this technology to disrupt the natural ecosystems and the environment. All the genetically modified organisms such as plants, animals and microbes would further reproduce and mutate to give rise to ne life forms and all of these could cause irreversible changes to the natural ecosystems and environment (Epstein). Most of the genetic engineering work is carried out through the use of recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology that employs vectors such as plasmids or viruses to transfer the