Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Art Blakey Essay - 1393 Words

Art Blakey was born to a poor family in the heart of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1919. He was working in the steel and coal mills when he was only fourteen. There were no child labor laws in those times. He had to work to help support his family and put food on the table. Blakey turned to music as a way of escaping the exhausting day-to-day labor of the mills. Blakey taught himself how to play the piano. Even though he couldnt read music, and could only play songs in three keys, Blakey was a crowd favorite a several local venues. He used to make fifteen-twenty dollars a night in tips every night he went. At fifteen Blakey was leading his own band. They were small and unknown, but played at clubs all around the city. One night†¦show more content†¦At age 20 Blakey joined up and toured with Fletcher Henderson. Henderson helped Blakey to discover new and more diverse drum rhythms. He also helped him perfect his already unique style of drumming. While with Hendersons band, Blakey crossed paths with jazz greats like Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. One night while on a break from performing, Gillespie pulled Blakey to the side and taught him the one thing that would define Blakeys drum style for the rest of his life. When the band returned on stage Henderson, Blakey, and the rest of the band began to play like normal. When suddenly out of nowhere Blakeys bass drum rang out on the offbeat. It was a very powerful, very loud, very noticeably, change and the crowd loved it. Dropping Bombs became one of Art Blakeys trademarks as a percussionist. While touring with Fletcher Henderson, Blakey developed a strong affinity for the bop style. He forged a crisp, driving sound, and he loved to play loud. With ferocious cymbal attacks, unpredictably crescendos, brush rolls, and with out a doubt his insanely loud bombs, Blakey was destined for greatness. While still with Hendersons band Blakey started doing recordings on the side. He met pianist Mary Lou Williams, and did a few recordings with her. His big recording break however, came when he met the legendary piano player Thelonious Monk. He and Monk recorded several modern, very important tracks together. These recordings, made ArtShow MoreRelatedKeith Jarrett : An American Musician2332 Words   |  10 Pagestune, he looked to the back bar and saw Art Blakey watching. Lee Morgan had just left the Jazz Messengers, and Blakey was rebuilding his band; talk about being at the right place at the right time. A couple of nights later, Keith got a phone call from Blakey asking him to join the new Jazz Messengers. After just four months with the Jazz Messengers, Keith had enough of the grueling tours and poor organization of the group. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Technology And Its Effect On Society - 2860 Words

Ever since the evolution of technology has evolved there have been numerous incidents from good to bad with murders, cyber bullying, threats, and interacting with new people. Laws have been passed for multiple reasons due to the inclement amounts of violent behaviors through technology as it has became more revolutionized. Many people have thoughts that technology is out of control with fatalities, and cyber bullying becoming such a problem for children, and even adults. Also in addition many other groups of people agree with technology because it has become easier, and easier to contact family, friends or even search the web with a smart phone in your hand. Technology has become a great way to contact with family or friends but has made a horrific impact on those who have not matured enough for the extremely destructible path that awaits them. Society is the start of a social realm which gives the appreciation for behaviors that defines and represents all people. Throughout today’s technology social media has been able to make a positive effect on people or even a negative effect. These situations have become extreme depending on what you are dealing with. Technology has created many different things in our society that has made a significant impact on people lives from cyber bullying, to gaining weight from becoming lazy due to the fact that modern day technology has become addicting. Nelson 2 â€Å"Older and Newer Media† written by Jane Brown translates to us that the newShow MoreRelatedTechnology : The Effects Of Technology And Society1283 Words   |  6 Pages The effects of technology with society has beneficial impacted the way we live. With technology is providing many advantages, but also it has some disadvantages it has on children and adults. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, moreover than living the way they did in the old days. Technology has its advantages, it’s has changed the way people have communicated by email, social media, the way traveling has improved. Have you ever heard the saying ‘Children are bornRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society871 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is technology? Is it the tool that propels humanity forward or is technology the cuffs that hold the everyday man from leaving his own comfort. Or is technology more than a tool, more than a mechanical device? Ray Bradbury s Works are known 4 expanding technology and using speculative fiction to reveal the way technology is consuming the everyday person. but what if Ray Bradbury was never talking about technology and its effect on society with society s effect on technology? It is assumedRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1386 Words   |  6 PagesTechnology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, etc. or it can be embedded in machines, computers , devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things. Technology has produced many positive contributions to society and how it has grownRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society Essay1239 Words   |  5 Pagesworld is increasing very rapidly, and new innovations are coming along each and everyday. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry (Oxford). There is no denying that the impact of technology in the world today is huge, now technology has made it to the palm of our hands with the iPhone and continuing to expand. My generation has grown up on technology so I can’t imagine how my life would be with out it, older people may say it has ruined theRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society Essay1204 Words   |  5 Pagesthe world is increasing very rapidly, and new innovations are coming along each and everyday. Technology is the application o f scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. There is no denying that the impact of technology in the world today is huge, now technology has made it to the palm of our hands with the iPhone and continuing to expand. My generation has grown up on technology so I can’t imagine how my life would be with out it, older people may say it has ruined the livesRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1473 Words   |  6 Pageswould surmise that technology has an overwhelmingly negative effect on society. Although there might be consequences that stem from technology, these negative effects only bring about more good than they bring about evil. This good transforms the world in ways people may never be able to comprehend. Technology will always be the epitome of human intelligence and it is this fact that should allow us to not only understand that technology is not dangerous to us but that technology should enable theRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect O n Society1176 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology is the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization. (â€Å"Technology†) In addition, technology has become a basic necessity for people all around the world. Not only does technology have positive effects on how people function in the world, but it also has many negative effects. On a similar topic, technology has improved the way we live tremendously, but people have become extremely dependent on it, almost to the point to whereRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1396 Words   |  6 PagesTechnology on its own cannot be beneficial or detrimental to the cognitive ability and the human relationship. Its effect on society depends on how and when technology is used. Technology continues to interact with our human experience in some way or the other. It is profoundly reshaping how we live today and giving rise to new strand of lifestyle and custom. With the rise of technologies, we expect to gain from its advances in the field of communication, social interaction, research and developmentRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1694 Words   |  7 PagesTechnological advances have certainly entered this era to facilitate people’s lives. There is no doubt that some new technology has been created to help operate or effectively manage time in a way that would be beneficial to humans. Technology significantly helps a number of people. A group that greatly benefits with the advances of technology is teenagers. Teens constantly use computers for schoolwork, networking, or knowing anything they want to know with a simple use of their fingertips. FurthermoreRead MoreTechnology And Its Effects On Society1372 Words   |  6 PagesTechnology Abuse Technology has rapidly increased over the past few years and has had a great impact on everyone in several ways. The impact of this applied science on people’s lifestyles has made several too dependent on technology. There needs to be a specific limit to technology that is reasonable but considerable for everyone. This new addiction is truly significant because this modern world of ours can have dangerous consequences that we are not aware of. In the past, many of the machines and

Monday, December 9, 2019

I believe that Kepler contribute order in a time o Essay Example For Students

I believe that Kepler contribute order in a time o Essay f disorder and chaos. Before Kepler’s theory was excepted, everybody believed that God controlled everything and earth is the center of the universe. People at the time were very superstitious, they believed in witches. They were very religious as well; they didn’t want to accept anything but God. I think there was chaos because everybody was confused. No one knew the truth of universe and there were many religious wars at the time. Kepler had different views of the world then others because he was a scientist and an astronomer. I noticed that in the play â€Å" A Short History of Night† Kepler mentioned few times that things happen according to angles, geometry. That shows how he was very different from others. He didn’t agree with the church. He was against what church said and he convinced the others that religion wasn’t everything and God doesn’t make everything happen. He spent all his life to prove that his theory and at the end he proved that the planets revolve by itself on axis. Which practically proved that church is wrong and that took away some of the powers and belief from the church.This play made me realized how it was in time of chaos. I noticed from beginning of play to end of the play there were many religious wars and battles. And also how religious people were at the time. There were witch hunters and witches were badly tortured and hunters accused even innocent girls and women and burnt them.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lady of the House of Love free essay sample

Response/Analytical Task Explain how the writer, Angela Carter, has created the gothic in the text and how she has subverted (to do the opposite of) it? How effective is this text? In the story ‘The Lady of the House of Love’ Angela Carter uses gothic elements like using the themes of supernatural, a prophecy, setting, a damsel in distress and tyrannical figure. The theme of supernatural/inexplicable events is very prominent in this story. The protagonist is a vampire who is a creature made of myths. The countess is the queen of the vampires and has survived for many centuries. Shadows that have no source in anything visible where a cracked mirror suspended from a wall does not reflect a presence. ’ This quote uses symbolism and implies the existence of a vampire as vampires live only in dark shadows and their reflections do not show in a mirror. Also the cracked mirror symbolizes bad luck that is always associated with dark, evil creatures. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady of the House of Love or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Prophecies are common in this story. The countess repeatedly plays tarot cards every day and towards the end she predicts a love prophecy. The quote ‘She plays her game of patience until she grows hungry, until she is ravenous’ tells of the countess playing her tarot cards everyday until it is time for her to feed. Instead of saying she is dealing tarot cards Carter has stated the lady is playing a game of patience. By using a metaphor Carter shows that ‘the game of patience’ represents the countess waits patiently everyday for her fate to change and only leaves to feed on her next victim. The setting of this story is at an abandoned village where only a stone lion head and the old luxurious mansion are ever visited. At last the revenants became so troublesome the peasants abandoned the village and it fell solely into the possession of subtle and vindictive inhabitants who manifest their presences by shadows that fall almost imperceptibly awry. ’ This quote shows the village was abandoned because of the revived countess and the fear the villagers have for her. The vocabulary used is very effective. The words subtle and vindictive show her presence is like a slowly creeping evil that causes these villagers to hate the land. The countess seems to be the damsel in distress in this story but as readers we also find the tyrannical figure side of her. She does not wish to be a vampire and is always trying to change her fate but on the other hand she lures travelers into her domain and takes their lives with no hesitation. This is different to most gothic stories as usually the tyrannical figure is supposed to be male and the women are supposed to be the pure virginal ones. In this story the young virginal man is the one who ‘exorcises’ her and she is the one who dies. In this text Carter switches the countess’ role from being the damsel in distress and the tyrannical figure. She is portrayed as a pitiful being first who had an unlucky fate forced upon her. But then she shows the animalistic side of her who has murdered many people over many centuries. This is shown in the quote ‘She drops, now, on all fours’ which shows that she can become inhuman and only hunger for blood. Also in gothic texts the pure figure is usually a female but in this story it is a male that ‘exorcises’ a female. The usually used genders in gothic texts are reversed. It is more common for an estate or a large mansion to be abandoned but in ‘The Lady of the House of Love’ the whole village is abandoned and only the countess remains. This story is effective because it is narrated from a 3rd person point of view and therefore shows us what each character is feeling and their thoughts. By showing us what each character thinks we can better understand their actions and personality. The pure male is also the hero of the story as he changes the countess’s fate and turns her into a human but at the same time he kills the tyrannical figure that was also the protagonist.